This is the third review of services for young children in the European Union (EU) undertaken by the EC Childcare Network. It covers services providing care, education and recreation for children aged 0-1 0 years, with a particular focus on group settings (including schools) and family day care. 0 The term 'services for young children' has been used because the term 'childcare services' is problematic. It encourages a narrow approach when considering how children are cared for while parents are at work which may lead, for example, to the contribution of schools being ignored; and it reflects and sustains a divided and incoherent approach to services based on separate systems of 'care' and 'education' - as opposed to an integrated and coherent approach to services which seeks to include all children and all parents, whether employed or not, and to meet a range of needs, including care, through a flexible and multi-functional approach.